#BadIntentions Story Commentary Chapters One through Five!

Most of you probably know that I’m hard at work making the sequel to Bad Grades happen. Bad Intentions is barely five chapters in and it’s already shaping up to be one of my favorite stories I’ve written this year.

In the wake of Claire and Daniel’s story, Jung In is off to Syracuse New York to investigate Paragon Genetic Solutions and potentially free the psychics he met during his ten-year captivity. Disguising himself as Henri Kang, med student from Korea, he goes undercover as a Neurology student and enters a residency program at a hospital co-owned by Dr. Edward Chang himself. It’s at this hospital that he meets Neurologist Alice Morgan, a beautiful, curvy, doctor with more confidence and attitude than the law should allow.

With her backstory still being developed at this point only two things are clear; she’s more than likely an incredibly powerful psychic, and she absolutely cannot stand Jung In. Having been hurt before she’s pretty mean on purpose, both due to the fact that she doesn’t want to do the residency and she wants to keep her heart protected just in case she starts to fall in love, but the genius Jung In has already recognized that and is using it against her. He knows that, the more he catches her off guard with his flirting, the closer he can get to her. Now, he’s extremely attracted to her and has already confessed that to himself AND to Daniel, but he also knows that getting close to her could mean finding the information he needs to free those psychics. Which is still his goal, despite having a perpetual hardon for Dr. Morgan.

It’s interesting watching this story and its characters develop, especially the budding romance between the emotionally stunted Jung In and the emotionally reclusive Alice. She has her fair share of past trauma, but it’s nothing compared to the torture he faced while living as Chang’s personal psychic slave. The more I listen to them banter, the more I feel like I’m watching an old school Tekken or Mortal Kombat match. Either fight or kiss each other already!

And of course I didn’t have this problem with Daniel and Claire because it was clear from the jump that Daniel would stop at NOTHING to have Claire by his side. He knew he was in love with her before I did! And I created them!

If you haven’t read Bad Grades yet, I implore you to do so. You really won’t want to miss all the action and romance that led up to Jung In being freed and him finally getting his own chance at happiness. I’m so stoked that I chose him to be the focal point of Bad Intentions. I mean, Daniel can’t have all the fun, can he?

Grab Bad Grades on Amazon and jump into this story! At the price of just 99cents, what do you have to lose?

Amazon: http://amzn.to/1XMMLRN

Find out more on my website!

Henri and Alice from the novel Bad Intentions by Author A.C. Greenlee

Lillium Publishing House is accepting submissions! 3 reasons why I want YOU to submit!



Those of you who’ve followed this blog or A.C. Greenlee for long know that I’ve been published since 2012. I self-published my first novel, Guardian of the Hellmouth, and was almost immediately picked up by a brand new indie publisher that was just getting its start in the industry. They took care of me–we took care of each other, growing together and learning the ins and outs of this business side by side. And I haven’t looked back since. Words can’t express how truly grateful I am to Lillium Publishing House nor can I express how proud I am to be amongst the ranks of some of the most beautiful, talented people on the planet.

Which is why I want you to submit.

I want every author to experience the love and satisfaction I’ve received from this brilliant company at least once in their lives. I’ve been completely taken care of for nearly five years now and I haven’t had a single regret. That isn’t to say that life didn’t have it’s difficult points in regards to my writing career, but Lillium, it’s editors, my fellow authors and even the owner herself were always right there to smooth things over whenever I needed them.

That’s just one of the many things I adore about these people; we’re a family first and foremost. There was never a time where I felt like a fool for inboxing or emailing someone to ask a question I thought was completely stupid. Because they made me feel like no question was too out there and that my career as an author, as a professional writer, was just as important as anything else.

I could go on and on, completely raving about my publisher, but for the sake of time and space, I’ve narrowed down the top three reasons I believe you should consider submitting to this company, or at the very least one like it.

1: The Publishing Industry is Ruthless

Whether you’ve been in and out of the publishing industry for twenty-years or you’re just getting started, you’ve no doubt heard how cutthroat this world can be. From authors sabotaging each other to reviewers and buyers blackmailing us; it’s extremely pertinent to find yourself a group of people who you can depend on if things ever turn down that dark path. Lillium Publishing is a small, indie publisher with no more than four employees, not including the authors themselves, that I’ve watched time and time again go to absolute war for us.

While they may be small, their presence is large and dominating. Our resident editor and creative director Anna Richards is a paralegal with over fifteen years in the legal business. When I found my novel Bad Grades on pirate sites this past month, she stepped right in and issued a perfectly worded letter on my behalf that had it pulled from the pirates sites within the hour.

With their social reach and reputation, Lillium has assisted many authors, myself included, in building social media profiles and keeping them active in order to further brand recognition and really get our names out there. Now I boast a thriving Facebook author page with over 3500 members, something I never would have been able to accomplish on my own.

2: Getting Your Voice Heard is Difficult

The world of writing is rife with competition, especially now that we’re firmly rooted in the era of self-publishing and DIY. Anyone can become a “published, best-selling author” practically at the push of a button. But building actual fanbases, communities and networking with other authors and people of influence is extremely difficult. It’s one thing to publish a book on Amazon or Kobo, but marketing and getting that book into the hands of readers is another beast entirely.

When I started writing, I had the mentality of “If I write it, they will come”. And boy, was I wrong. Some did come, mostly family friends, classmates and the occasional reader who stumbled upon my work. When I joined Lillium they showed me everything I was doing wrong and how to turn my non-existent marketing plan into one of action. They taught me about SEO, meta tags, book descriptions that sell, email marketing, pay per click advertising and a million other little things that made me the marketing fanatic I am today.

Lillium not only teaches you how, when and where to market your work, they assist you in setting up social media accounts, working out posting schedules and even automatic the entire process. You’re truly never alone when it comes to this company and you’ll NEVER feel like you’re stranded in open waters. They’re your safety net.

3: Lillium Publishing is Run by Real People

From the CEO, Marion Bradley, to the Creative Director/Lead Editor superwoman Anna Richards, Lillium Publishing isn’t a book mill. They don’t suck up your time and money just to leave you unsatisfied with your results. They’re real people with jobs, families and lives just like you and me. They just happen to share our love for the written word and have a special place in their hearts for independant authors.

When you join Lillium you’re joining a group of talented individuals who actually care about you, not just your writing endeavors. You’ll get friendly emails and direct messages. They remember and celebrate birthdays and book birthdays. When my beloved cat of twenty years, GiGi, passed away, they mourned my loss alongside me. You don’t meet very many people in life who are that caring. I have flesh and blood family members who didn’t care at all and told me to get over it, but both the company and my fellow authors held my hand through the entire ordeal. Lillium Publishing is a family that I am so extremely lucky and happy to be a part of.

So, if you’re on the market for an indie publishing company with any of the traits that I mentioned in this post, I challenge you to give Lillium Publishing House a chance. Even if you don’t go through with joining us, hit them up on Facebook or Twitter sometime just for a chat. I guarantee your understanding of how publishers are supposed to work will be changed.

Authors giving away freebies? My website now has a freebie section!

Here’s just a sneak peak at all the goodies that will soon be available for download at acgreenlee.com! From desktop wallpapers to music, videos, trading cards and more!

Screen Shot 2016-05-23 at 12.32.09 PMScreen Shot 2016-05-23 at 12.40.57 PM

Download the full resolution desktop wallpapers at http://www.acgreenlee.com/tagged/free

Bad Grades: A Blasian Romance Novel Release Trailer and Cover Reveal!

badgradescoverBad Grades: A Blasian Romance Novel – Digital Goods Store

A curvy, Blasian professor with anxiety… and a psychic student determined to love her… Fresh out of university herself, when Claire Lanh moved from California to Chesterfield Pennsylvania to fill the position of Professor of Philosophy at the prestigious St. Lucia University, she’d expected a fairytale ending in an Ivy League setting.


First Look! Casting Reveal for Bad Grades!

Bad Grades Blasian Romance Novel by Author A.C. GreenleeBad Grades Blasian Romance Novel by Author A.C. Greenlee

Coming Soon! A Paranormal Blasian Romantic Comedy from Author A.C. Greenlee!


From International Best-Selling author A.C. Greenlee…

In a story about love and acceptance, two people from totally different worlds find peace in each others arms…

Fresh out of college, when Claire Lanh moved from California to Chesterfield Pennsylvania to fill the position of Professor at the prestigious St. Lucia University, she’d expected a fairytale ending in an Ivy League setting. What she wasn’t counting on was falling in love with her gorgeous Philosophy student, and resident psychic, Daniel Kang.

Just twenty-three, Daniel is the son of a wealthy Korean conglomerate, currently on the run from a mysterious team of government scientists who want to claim his unusual powers for their own. After his elder brother goes missing, he is whisked away to The United States where he is hid in the quiet town of Chesterfield. He lives his life in relative peace, until an easily flustered, plus-sized, Blasian takes over his least favorite course.

No matter what she does, she can’t get Daniel to pay attention in her class and his troublemaking ways are making her already difficult job all that more treacherous. And once he volunteers to help her with her work after school, a whole new can of worms is opened. With her career on the line and his life in danger at every turn, can they learn to coexist? Can Claire resist the charms of the man that literally everyone wants and will stop at nothing to have her? Or will a single bad grade destroy them both?

*This is an ongoing series that will eventually be turned into a full length novella that will be available for purchase in February. This account and all stories herein belong to the author A.C. Greenlee. You can find her work including other K-Drama and K-Pop inspired books at http://www.amazon.com/author/acgreenlee

Join the discussion on Facebook @ http://www.facebook.com/booksbyacgreenlee 

What’s Done in the Dark: An Erotic Paranormal Anthology AVAILABLE NOW!


What's Done in the Dark an Erotic Paranormal Anthology by A.C. Greenlee

Buy it Now!

What’s Done in the Dark features eight sexy alpha-male heroes in an erotic anthology guaranteed to leave you dripping and satisfied. 

The Supernatural men of your wildest fantasies and darkest nightmares are taking sex and romance to a whole new level. Featuring eight paranormal erotic tales, What’s Done in the Dark is a diverse, multicultural anthology that puts a new spin on your favorite Supernatural boy-toys and the feisty women who love them.

Each lusty chapter encompasses several popular genres, from Urban Fiction to High Fantasy and beyond; each with a Paranormal twist. With Shapeshifting bears, enigmatic Dragons and the Devil himself, Paranormal erotica reaches an all new sexual high in this anthology.

Your personal harem of rough, alpha-male heroes, beautiful, seductive heroines and unfurling plotlines await your arrival in an erotic short story collection guaranteed to leave you feeling like the Queen you are.

Ready to be worshipped?
Where will you be when night falls?

Included in the What’s Done in the Dark Anthology: 

Lucifer’s Kiss
The Demon Butler
Dragon’s Bane
Black Cat Comfort
When Monsters are Near
Blood Oath

For more BBW erotic romance, erotic anthologies, short story collections and general sexiness, follow the author on Facebook!

#BBWEroticRomance #EroticAnthology #EroticShortStoryCollection #EroticNovel #EroticNovella #EroticShortStories #RomanticErotica


Quick and Dirty Tips: Using Facebook Pages for Authors

Facebook Pages can be a daunting project to start for anyone, let alone a new author, but having your own space on the interwebs without having to pay domain fees or hire a web developer is undoubtedly one of the most important factors for building and reaching an audience. As with most things, there are Pro’s and Con’s to having a Facebook Author’s page and were going to cover them all while I give you a quick and dirty tip on how to manage your page once you get it started.

🌟PRO: Billions of people use Facebook every day!

You know your little addiction to Facebook you try not to tell your therapist about because you don’t want him to put you on Aderol? Well, there are tons of other people with the same addiction! Three cheers for insanity! This means that so long as you’re producing content these people want to connect with, getting YOUR content in front of people is extremely easy.

❌CON: Facebook limits your content, on purpose!

Facebook operates on an algorithm called EdgeRank. EdgeRank scans all the content on the site and limits and boosts posts based on similar content, the likes of the target audience and what they’ve liked and shared before. Say that if you already have an Author’s Fan Page and seven hundred people like your page. Not all seven hundred likers may see your posts every single time. Couple that with the fact that they probably like a ton of other pages, this means even less of an opportunity for them to see that shiny new cover reveal.

❗️What We Can Do:


⚡️Create your own content!

Facebook Page ranks aren’t based on the number of people who like the page or even a specific post, but instead on the engagement the post garners. The more comments and shares your content receives, the more important and well received Facebook will believe it is. What does this mean? Build your own high-quality content and post it for the world to see. When you see a funny meme someone else posted and you share it to your page and all your followers like and comment on it, you’re only building the engagement of the original poster. This engagement does nothing to affect the rank of your page which means fewer people will see your posts in their Newsfeed. Focus on finding, posting, or even creating those memes yourself and posting them to your page.


⚡️Post that content when the most people can see it!

There has been tons of research done on the optimal times to post on Facebook and other social media networks, but it all boils down to your page and your fans. Generally, study says the best time to post is between you the hours of one and three PM during the week but I’ve found my followers to be most active on Sunday’s after six PM. Pay attention to your page insights and find out what works best for your fans.


⚡️Share it yourself!

You’re already probably part of numerous author and marketing groups on Facebook and if you’re not what are you doing with your life? Join as many of these groups as you can, so long as you follow their criteria and the group is relevant. I highly recommend staying away from a group about My Little Pony if you’re a hardcore erotica writer. Those things usually don’t mix. Now, when you create specific posts that may fit the criteria and posting guidelines of some of these posts, share away! Not only are you helping the reach of your post and possibly the engagement, you’re sharing content that this specific group of people wants to see. For example, you’re in a group about paranormal romance and you see a meme about Edward Cullen. The Twilight fans in that group would go absolutely insane being reminded of the books they adore. Now they’re sharing YOUR meme to THEIR page where their friends who are also Twilight fans see it and share it to THEIR pages. Now you’ve got your very first viral post.


Remember: In the world of Social Media content is KING 👑.

About the Author

Author A.C. Greenlee is an award-winning creator of Paranormal Romance, High Fantasy and adventure novels. In 2012, Greenlee’s debut novel, Guardian of the Hellmouth, was released via Lillium…


What’s Done in the Dark: An Erotic Paranormal Anthology


You won’t believe how simple and FREE creating an authors website can be!


In the past, an author’s personal website was the holy grail of finding information on our most beloved writers and storytellers. From book tours to correct reading order, to a mailing address where you could send fanatical letters and wail about the death of your favorite characters. Like a brick house we built with our bare hands, they were our personal spaces, our platforms through which we reached our readers. But, with the rise of blogging and social media, the authors website is slowly fading into antiquity. Or is it? Times are constantly changing and with it comes a flux of new technology and social platforms that overwrite the old. If you’re a millennial like me you no doubt witnessed the death of MySpace and the rise of Facebook and Twitter. But, who’s to say that in ten years these popular sites will still be around? Having a Facebook “like” page and a booming twitter account are fine, but in the case that Facebook nosedives at any time in the future, having your own platform that’s controlled solely by you may be your only saving grace. I can already hear you screaming at me, “But websites are expensive! I can’t afford that!” and “I don’t know how to code a website! I can’t be in control of something I know nothing about!” Relax friends and colleagues, I’m here to provide a comprehensive guide on building a simple website that you can operate without entirely on your own. Follow along and in three simple steps, you will have your own FREE platform that no one can take from you, not even the Facebook banning police. I know we’ve all had our run in with those jerks. Here we go!

STEP ONE: Choosing a host website

A.C. GreenleeThere are many platforms that allow you to host your website with a custom domain name, which is what we’ll be using here so that you completely “own” your website. The host I think is the best and personally use is Tumblr.com. Tumblr is a blogging website that allows users to create their own blogs and seamlessly share content from millions of users all around the world. This both allows authors to find and interact with new and prospective fans while simultaneously keeping their blog or website fresh with new content. I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume you already have an email address. If not, I highly recommend Gmail for all your emailing needs. Grab your email and navigate to http://www.tumblr.com and create an account. Account creation is extremely simple. Simply enter your email address, password and select a username. I suggest creating a username that in some way correlates to what you’re trying to accomplish.  AuthorJenineHadwick is perfectly fine as apposed to PrincessPonyGlitterBootyShorts. I’m serious, tumblr usernames get pretty rediculous. Now, open up a new tab and get ready for step two.

STEP TWO: Acquiring a domain name

Head over to http://www.dot.tk/. This is your domain provider.A.C. Greenlee Website Creation Guide A domain provider, in a nutshell, is a computer network server where your website will be hosted 24 hours a day, seven days a week without disruption. Essentially, your personal computer, the one you’re using right now could act as a host for your website. With a few apps and minor HTML and coding knowledge, you really wouldn’t need a domain provider at all. Except for the fact that your computer isn’t turned on and connected to tA.C. Greenlee Website Guidehe internet all day every day and your internet connection probably wouldn’t have the strength to support all the people flocking to your website. Domain names usually range in price from $10 a month to over $100 a year for a .com domain. But, with the dot.tk website, you will be
provided with a .tk domain name completely free of charge. Yes, COMPLETELY free. The only catch is that you have to renew your domain name every year. But, for a free website, that doesn’t seem too daunting now does it? Head over to http://www.dot.tk and pick your domain name. Now, this will be the NAME of your website, the name through which users will find you. For example, my website is http://www.acgreenlee.com. I opted to pay for a .com domain name for personal reasons but, notice how simple the web address is. Your domain name could be anything from FamousAuthorHeather.tk to HankHillSellsPropane.tk. Just make sure it’s exactly what you want and something you won’t regret choosing later. After checking that your domain is available, proceed to the signup process.


  1. Select Use DNS.
  2. For the IP address slots, enter the IP from Tumblr ( in both slots.
  3. Select 12 Months from the drop down menu.
  4. Enter the CAPTCHA.
  5. Complete registration.

Head back over to tumblr:

  1. Click Settings (the gear icon) at the top of your Dashboard.
  2. Click the blog you’d like to update on the right side of the page.
  3. Click the pencil to the right of the username section and enable “Use a custom domain.”
  4. Enter your domain (e.g. mywebsite.tk).
  5. Click “Test your domain.”
  6. Correct problems if the test finds any, and click “Test your domain” until the test is successful.
  7. Hit “Save.”

If you navigate to your username.tumblr.com blog and it tells you that theres a problem, don’t panic, this is a good thing! It means tumblr is pointing correctly to your domain name and all there’s left to do is wait until all the mechanical stuff updates iteslf. Now lets move onto step three, the fun part!

STEP THREE: Customization

The thing I love most about tumblr is how easily customized it is, even if you have no knowledge of coding. After you’ve beaten your website into shape and you have your AuthorsWebsite.tk website set up and tested, head back to tumblr and go Blog Settings and Edit Theme. You can choose from a million free (and paid if you’re about that life) themes to make your websiteScreen Shot 2015-08-28 at 11.04.09 PM look however you want. By uploading a header image and profile picture, most themes will give you an entirely personalized website at the push of a button. For even more personalization, hit Edit HTML in your blog editor and get ready for your first, simple HTML coding lesson. Head over to any free tumblr theme code site (we’re going with http://kawaiilayouts.com just because I love them) and copy one of their free theme codes. Head back over to the Edit HTML section of your tumblr editor, select the HTML that’s already there, hit paste, update preview and TADA. Completely new website with the click of a button.

With your new website you’ll be able to truly build an authors platform independent of any social media sites personal fate. And, in the case that something happens to tumblr, there are quite literally a million different alternatives to hosting, and your domain provider dot.tk even has its own page builder if you ever want to cut your ties to a host all together. You can have your cake and eat it to by using social media in conjuncture with your personal website, extending your reach and your influence exponentially. Make them work with each other and for each other! Now that you have the foundation laid out for you, what are you still doing here? Go! Go build a website!

If you enjoyed this post or found it useful consider following the author on Facebook. Happy creating!

A.C. Greenlee writes tailor made romance and erotic with real women in mind