#BadIntentions Story Commentary Chapters One through Five!

Most of you probably know that I’m hard at work making the sequel to Bad Grades happen. Bad Intentions is barely five chapters in and it’s already shaping up to be one of my favorite stories I’ve written this year.

In the wake of Claire and Daniel’s story, Jung In is off to Syracuse New York to investigate Paragon Genetic Solutions and potentially free the psychics he met during his ten-year captivity. Disguising himself as Henri Kang, med student from Korea, he goes undercover as a Neurology student and enters a residency program at a hospital co-owned by Dr. Edward Chang himself. It’s at this hospital that he meets Neurologist Alice Morgan, a beautiful, curvy, doctor with more confidence and attitude than the law should allow.

With her backstory still being developed at this point only two things are clear; she’s more than likely an incredibly powerful psychic, and she absolutely cannot stand Jung In. Having been hurt before she’s pretty mean on purpose, both due to the fact that she doesn’t want to do the residency and she wants to keep her heart protected just in case she starts to fall in love, but the genius Jung In has already recognized that and is using it against her. He knows that, the more he catches her off guard with his flirting, the closer he can get to her. Now, he’s extremely attracted to her and has already confessed that to himself AND to Daniel, but he also knows that getting close to her could mean finding the information he needs to free those psychics. Which is still his goal, despite having a perpetual hardon for Dr. Morgan.

It’s interesting watching this story and its characters develop, especially the budding romance between the emotionally stunted Jung In and the emotionally reclusive Alice. She has her fair share of past trauma, but it’s nothing compared to the torture he faced while living as Chang’s personal psychic slave. The more I listen to them banter, the more I feel like I’m watching an old school Tekken or Mortal Kombat match. Either fight or kiss each other already!

And of course I didn’t have this problem with Daniel and Claire because it was clear from the jump that Daniel would stop at NOTHING to have Claire by his side. He knew he was in love with her before I did! And I created them!

If you haven’t read Bad Grades yet, I implore you to do so. You really won’t want to miss all the action and romance that led up to Jung In being freed and him finally getting his own chance at happiness. I’m so stoked that I chose him to be the focal point of Bad Intentions. I mean, Daniel can’t have all the fun, can he?

Grab Bad Grades on Amazon and jump into this story! At the price of just 99cents, what do you have to lose?

Amazon: http://amzn.to/1XMMLRN

Find out more on my website!

Henri and Alice from the novel Bad Intentions by Author A.C. Greenlee

Authors giving away freebies? My website now has a freebie section!

Here’s just a sneak peak at all the goodies that will soon be available for download at acgreenlee.com! From desktop wallpapers to music, videos, trading cards and more!

Screen Shot 2016-05-23 at 12.32.09 PMScreen Shot 2016-05-23 at 12.40.57 PM

Download the full resolution desktop wallpapers at http://www.acgreenlee.com/tagged/free

Bad Grades: A Blasian Romance Novel Release Trailer and Cover Reveal!

badgradescoverBad Grades: A Blasian Romance Novel – Digital Goods Store

A curvy, Blasian professor with anxiety… and a psychic student determined to love her… Fresh out of university herself, when Claire Lanh moved from California to Chesterfield Pennsylvania to fill the position of Professor of Philosophy at the prestigious St. Lucia University, she’d expected a fairytale ending in an Ivy League setting.


Book Review: The Bounty by Author Ashlee Jay!

Ashlee Jay

Genre: Erotica, Romance, Interracial, Multicultural

Publisher: Lillium Publishing House LLC


The Bounty is the first story published by Author Ashlee Jay under Lillium Publishing. It’s an erotic short that details the explicit sexal encounter between Lara, a young woman just getting home from work who inadvertedly stumbles on the murder of her beloved neighbor, and Lorenzo, a demonic bounty hunter who’s doing the murdering. After deporting her neighbor–who also happens to be a demon–back to hell, he sets his sights on the only witness; Lara herself. After she stops him in his tracks with a well placed command that feels more like a spell to the seasoned hunter, and she freaking STABS him, they head back to her apartment and the tables turn. Fear and lust are only separated by a thin line. And it snaps.

My Review:

I genuinely enjoyed this story. I collect short stories to read in my downtime or between work and this one didn’t disappoint. Ms. Jay’s writing style is crisp, clean, and easy to understand, and the erotic scenes leave you feeling both satisfied and craving more. My only complaint was the pacing and what seems to be a missing story arc. While this is only a short story and obviously isn’t going to have lots of details, I felt a little jipped that more of the story wasn’t included. I want to know more about Lorenzo, his history and his powers. Speaking of powers, whatever Lara is has to be tied into the story somehow. I really hope she does a sequal to this as The Bounty is shaping up to be a great start to a long writing career.


“Lara Ferreira took one step out of the elevator and into the depths of hell. The pained cries of her neighbor, high pitched and guttural, sounded like a car dragging a box of helpless kittens. Her ears rang, but her feet refused to move. What on earth was going on in there? Glass shattered. Thump after painful thump vibrated the floor beneath her. Her body coiled as she backed away, only to be hit by the fast closing elevator doors. She sighed. How much crap would she have to deal with before she finally made it home? The sound of metal striking flesh came to a brutal halt around her. Someone was slammed into the metal apartment door, sending the six-inch slab of steel into the hallway and her neighbor tumbling after it.

Jackson, her neighbor, rolled off the door and promptly regurgitated his dinner on the hall carpet. His clothes were torn, his eye beaten shut and his once flawless jaw structure swollen beyond recognition. He was a complete and utter mess. Lara ignored her natural response to move forward and help him, choosing instead to stick as close to the elevator as possible. If he knew she was there, he didn’t show any signs of acknowledging her presence, and that was fine with her. His body shook violently as he raised a bent and broken arm over his face. The other, he used to try and push himself away from his attacker who stepped over the debris. Lara’s knees quaked as a silhouette appeared in the doorway. Large hands brushed at the fibers of his a dark blue suit. Her eyes were immediately drawn to blood dripping off of his knuckles to pool on the carpet below his feet.

She watched him step through the doorway, finally getting her first real glimpse of the attacker. Sweat beaded on her forehead, her treacherous heart betraying her stoic expression as it thud loudly against her ribcage. His head was close to the ceiling he was so tall, his body large and intimidating. She watched his equally large hands lift the door and toss it to the side like it was nothing more than paper. He tugged at the lapels of his suit, straightening, the Italian fabric and attempting to wipe the blood from his hands. His footsteps thumped loudly as he neared her hiding place and her breath caught in her throat but, luckily, he was fixated on his target and didn’t appear to notice her.”

Excerpt From: Ashlee Jay. “The Bounty.” iBooks.

My Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Grab The Bounty by Author Ashlee Jay here!

Coming Soon! A Paranormal Blasian Romantic Comedy from Author A.C. Greenlee!


From International Best-Selling author A.C. Greenlee…

In a story about love and acceptance, two people from totally different worlds find peace in each others arms…

Fresh out of college, when Claire Lanh moved from California to Chesterfield Pennsylvania to fill the position of Professor at the prestigious St. Lucia University, she’d expected a fairytale ending in an Ivy League setting. What she wasn’t counting on was falling in love with her gorgeous Philosophy student, and resident psychic, Daniel Kang.

Just twenty-three, Daniel is the son of a wealthy Korean conglomerate, currently on the run from a mysterious team of government scientists who want to claim his unusual powers for their own. After his elder brother goes missing, he is whisked away to The United States where he is hid in the quiet town of Chesterfield. He lives his life in relative peace, until an easily flustered, plus-sized, Blasian takes over his least favorite course.

No matter what she does, she can’t get Daniel to pay attention in her class and his troublemaking ways are making her already difficult job all that more treacherous. And once he volunteers to help her with her work after school, a whole new can of worms is opened. With her career on the line and his life in danger at every turn, can they learn to coexist? Can Claire resist the charms of the man that literally everyone wants and will stop at nothing to have her? Or will a single bad grade destroy them both?

*This is an ongoing series that will eventually be turned into a full length novella that will be available for purchase in February. This account and all stories herein belong to the author A.C. Greenlee. You can find her work including other K-Drama and K-Pop inspired books at http://www.amazon.com/author/acgreenlee

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